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7 Important Things You Need To Know When Selling Your Business

Selling Your Business

7 Important Things You Need To Know When Selling Your Business

Selling your business may be the hardest challenge you have had to deal with as an entrepreneur. It’s lengthy, and troubling, and even infuriating at times. And it gets worse if you think that the issues will be resolved once the deal is done. But this isn’t so. As an entrepreneur, you need to have a clear idea about how you will handle this phase.

Here are 7 important things you need to know when selling your business

Take your time to make the decision. Whether you are planning to sell your business to spend more time with your family or invest in a bigger venture, you need to think about your decision for a hundred times. Sometimes, the length and complications of the process disgusts the best entrepreneurs and makes them rethink their decision.

Keep your focus on the reason you want to sell in the first place; and plan ahead.

Detach from the business. Well, you have put in money, time and effort to make your business grow. But think it from the buyer’s perspective – would you buy a business where the owner needs to invest 20 hours a day to run the daily operations? Or, rather one where the owner has the freedom to take off days and go on holidays?

Make sure the business runs smoothly; even without you being part of its daily operations.

Appoint professionals for the task. If you haven’t handled a business sale before, you may have no clue about the process. And if you have, the same may yet be true. It involves legalities, figures, numbers, and an array of documents. And it’s impossible for you to handle it all without specialized knowledge and experience.

Appoint a legal professional as well as an accountant specializing in this particular field.

Learn how to deal with the stress. Appointing professionals isn’t going to help you with the stress. Your legal team will unearth problems you never knew even existed. Your accountant will ask for figures you never knew anyone required. And dealing with it all will often feel too exhausting.

Cultivate a positive attitude; always remember that the professionals are for your help.

Set a realistic value. Every entrepreneur thinks of their endeavor as the best in the market. And this reflects in the price you set when you decide to sell your business. The only problem is – the buyers may not have the same opinion about it. Well, it’s true that they want to buy your business, but they want to do it at a reasonable price.

If you think you are biased, opt for an objective opinion before you decide on it.

Be wary of debts and documents. If you have adequate time to plan before you sell your business, you have the window to get rid of any debts you have incurred. Otherwise, it will lower the amount you get after the sale. Also, pay attention to any documents you have signed in the past that adds to your liabilities.

Discuss every detail with your lawyer and accountant; and get their advice about these.

Assess your team’s capabilities. If you have put together a winning team, it will prove to be one of your assets when you sell. But if your team comprises of family members, who take their paycheck just because they are family, or of employees who will never find another opportunity, you are in trouble.

A buyer will evaluate the capabilities of your team; do it beforehand and take measures.

Selling your business is a big decision; you need to plan from the day you decide to do it.

Are you planning on selling your business in the near future? If so here are some expert books that I recommend you read:

Walk Away Wealthy by Mark Tepper – Listen to my interview with Mark here
Final Act of Ownership by Jerry Baltus – Listen to my interview with Jerry here
Sell Your Business For An Outrageous Price by Kevin Short – Listen to my interview with Kevin here

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Cody Faldyn

Cody is a blogger, social media specialist, graphic designer, and the Marketing Evangelist behind The Entrepreneurs Library. With a long time passion for personal growth, Cody helped create a website and podcast with the intent to educate aspiring entrepreneurs on the latest and greatest books on business growth and personal development.

  • http://www.successharbor.com/ George Meszaros @successharbor

    I especially like the “detach” part of your post. I think a lot of people think their business is worth more just because it’s theirs :) I mostly see overpriced businesses. I think that’s the reason so many businesses go out of business before they ever sell it.