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A Preview of The Art of War for Small Business with Becky Sheetz-Runkle

The Art of War for Small Business

A summary of things you should know about The Art of War for Small Business according to Becky Sheetz-Runkle


In this episode, Becky Sheetz-Runkle gives you a deep dive into her book The Art of War for Small Business. In her book, Sheetz-Runkle brings to life her belief that if small businesses took Sun Tzu’s strategies and applied it, they would be able to build themselves into mighty organizations. This book is for entrepreneurs who need a very practical and easy to read guide to applying the Sun Tzu style of business.

The Book’s Unique Quality

There are a lot of books on The Art of War but this is the only mainstream book that applies Sun Tzu’s Art of War to small businesses.

The Reader’s Takeaway

The passage directly from Sun Zhu…”In war the victorious strategists only seeks battle after the victory has been won, whereas he who is destined to defeat first fights and afterwards looks for victory.” – Sun Zhu

The belief that you are going to be successful, you’re going to win and get what you have set out to accomplish. You never fight a battle unless you know you are going to be victorious.

A Deep Dive Into The Book

The book is really practical and easy to read. I have a lot of illustrations throughout the book that make Sun Tzus words really practical and will allow businesses to learn how to apply his work.

There are four parts and 12 chapters. The 12 chapters are especially for small business leaders and entrepreneurs. I give you 12 chapters, 12 concepts and 12 ideas that I really need to impart upon readers and broken those down to show you all the applicable passages and illustration’s.

The first part is about seizing the advantage. The context is what the art of war was all about and what Sun Tzus objectives were and teaching you how to apply those to your small business.

The second part is about understanding the essential pieces of Sun Zhu. If you read no more than this section, you will have graduated out of Sun Zhu 101. You will have understood the fundamentals of what this book can do for you. The basic keys are understanding yourself, your enemy and understanding the market.

Part three talks about the principles for the battlefield.

The fourth part we talk about maneuvering, adaptation, the spirit/energy that you need to be successful, deception and finally Sun Tzu in the future of your business.

Notable Quotes From The Book

“Everything we do is autobiographical.” – Becky Sheetz-Runkle

“Now, to win battles and capture lands and cities but to fail to consolidate these achievements is ominous and may be described as a waste of resources and time.” Sun Tzu

The Credibility/Inspiration Of The Author

I am a Speaker, Author, Martial Artist and Marketing Consultant.

My inspiration for writing the book was asking myself how Sun Tzu would adapt the principles from the Art of War to wage war and to wage peace for his small business and build it into an empire. I believe that if small businesses took Sun Tzu’s strategies and applied it, they would be able to build themselves into mighty organizations.

Other Books Recommended By The Author

Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki

More Information About This Book and The Author

Buy The Art of War for Small Business by Becky Sheetz-Runkle on Amazon today

Visit SunTzuStrategies.com to find more information on Becky

Follow Becky Sheetz-Runkle on Twitter and Facebook

More Information About This Episode

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Related books: The Art of War by Sun Tzu | Zero to One: Notes on Startups, or How to Build the Future by Peter Thiel and Blake Masters

Relevant advice and tips: 5 Ways Entrepreneurs Can Overcome Business Failure

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Wade is a 4-time serial entrepreneur and is the Founder/Host of The Entrepreneurs Library. With a long time passion for reading books, Wade created an online resource and podcast for entrepreneurs who love to read personal and business development books. His long-term goal in life is to start an entrepreneurial home schooling program for children of business-minded families.

  • http://www.theelpodcast.com/ Wade Danielson

    If you’ve read the original Art of War by Sun Tzu, what do think about Becky’s version?