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A Preview of How To Succeed in 12 Months with Serena Star Leonard

How To Succeed in 12 Months

A summary of things you should know about How to Succeed in 12 Months according to Serena Star Leonard


In this episode Serena Star Leonard shares with us her inspiration for writing a book that helps people make their dreams come true. Her book, How to Succeed in 12 Months, gives you a very practical, step-by-step guide to doing things that may seem impossible such as finding more time and money for projects and support. Serena’s book is the perfect fit for wantrepreneurs and entrepreneurs alike that need help with motivation and inspiration for bringing ideas and dreams to life step by step.

The Book’s Unique Quality

This book is very practical and I am interested in not just inspiring people to get started but actually to show you how step by step you can do things that may seem impossible right now. The practical nature coupled with the motivational side sets it apart from the other books.

The Reader’s Takeaway

It would definitely be to get started on making your dreams a reality. Things tend to fall in place once you start to create momentum around a dream or goal.

A Deep Dive Into The Book

The main thing that runs throughout the book is on taking action. It doesn’t matter what your dream is or what is it that you really want to do with your life, you won’t know if you’re going to achieve that without taking action. We usually surprise ourselves with the opportunities that open up as a result of taking action.

We look at taking the first steps because the first steps lead to the second steps which then lead to the third steps. I find that when using this process it just rolls out in front of you and people are amazed at what they can achieve just by taking one step at a time. We also talk about the concepts of success and failure.

I try to redefine the concepts of success and encourage readers to really embrace failure because it is part of the journey. We have a lifestyle check list that we look at analyzing every part of your life. You get to see where you are right now so that you can kind of create it as a benchmark and review it after six or twelve months.

We talk about making the impossible possible. For most of the goals and dreams that I have they do seem impossible to me and some of them succeed and some don’t but I do have a mindset that anything is possible. As a result of that I have found that if I hadn’t taken those actions in the beginning they would have never eventuated. It is important to fulfill all the things on your bucket list and make those things a reality.

We talk about three specifics such as how to get more time, finding money for projects and support. From there the book goes in to really specific practical things like what if things are not working for you right now or what if you got your dream half way and you get stopped all of the sudden. We look at troubleshooting all those little things and from there we have additional resources to help you on your way.

I share our first 12 month journey because the whole premise of the book is that you can completely change your life in 12 months. I share how we did that and how we went from being normal people to becoming traveling documentary film makers.

Notable Quotes From The Book

“If you are looking for a sign this is it.” – Unknown

The Credibility/Inspiration Of The Author

I am a business coach by trade, blogger and writer. I’ve been traveling for 28 months with my husband working on the road filming documentaries about people who make a difference in their communities all over the world.

I work closely with people on making their big dreams come true and I wanted to write a book that would help people succeed in that. In the last few years I’ve been living a life where I go for every one of my big goals rather than putting them out in the future. I believe these are things I could share with other people and help them reach their own big goals too.

Other Books Recommended By The Author

The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey

The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle

More Information About This Book and The Author

Buy How To Succeed in 12 Months by Serena Star Leonard on Amazon today

Visit In12Months.com to check out Serena’s personal blog and subscribe to her community

Visit FivePointFive.org to visit her travel blog and be part of some really cool converations

Follow Serena Star Leonard on Twitter and Facebook

More Information About This Episode

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Wade is a 4-time serial entrepreneur and is the Founder/Host of The Entrepreneurs Library. With a long time passion for reading books, Wade created an online resource and podcast for entrepreneurs who love to read personal and business development books. His long-term goal in life is to start an entrepreneurial home schooling program for children of business-minded families.

  • http://www.theelpodcast.com/ Wade Danielson

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