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A Preview of Couple CEO with Heidi Shimberg and Scott Shimberg

Couple CEO

Things you should know about Couple CEO according to Heidi Shimberg and Scott Shimberg


In this episode Heidi Shimberg and Scott Shimberg take you on a deep dive into their book Couple CEO where they teach you how to create balance between growing your business while enjoying a family and living a healthy lifestyle.

In their book, the Shimbergs take you on a journey exploring the difficulties and intimacies of living a life as an entrepreneurial couple. The goal of the book is to provide you with the secrets to living a couple lifestyle complete with business full of profit and a relationship full of passion.

This book is perfect for entrepreneurs that are interested in growing a business with their significant other or that simply want to create a valuable life together.

The Book’s Unique Quality (2:33)

I would question whether there is any other book out there that covers the topic of what it’s like to be a couples CEO.

The Best Way To Engage (3:27)

Since we write it in the form of a parable I think it’s intriguing for you to start from the beginning and go all the way through but if you need something in particular you can jump to that chapter.

The Reader’s Takeaway (11:20)

To pursue your passion together and enjoy the journey along the way.

A Deep Dive Into The Book (4:09)

The book is written in a parable story format. In the story Heidi and I take a couple CEO name Mark and Melissa out on our sailboat for the day to talk about their business, relationship and life. We want to know what is working and what’s not and in the context of the day out at sea we take them through what we call our foundational building blocks which is the framework of the couple CEO methodology. The five building blocks we take them through are intimacy, time management, health and fitness, business strategies, and goals and dreams.

Mark and Melissa had a retail business that was handed down to them from her family. One of the things we try to discuss with them was for them to see beyond where they were now. They were having frustrations because not as many people were walking through the door now that the internet had offered so many opportunities for the typical buyer. We strategized with them on how they could possibly tie the internet in to it. This is something they had been really resistant to because that’s not the way her family had done it. They also are in a second stage of their life with the kids being out of the house and having to adjust to getting to know one another again outside of work.

When preparing to write the book we didn’t want to just share the things that worked for us. We interviewed dozens of other couples who have successful businesses and we found a lot of common threads with all of them. And so we made sure that we shared their stories and made sure that what we were communicating was the successful couples CEO world.

We get in to how you should not discuss business at the dinner table and the importance of maintaining a date night. Often a couple that works together, especially if you are starting a business fresh, you’re working 24/7. We all understand that that is what you have to do but if you don’t take a break from that it can break down the passionate side of the relationship and it’s really important to keep both of those going.

We encourage each couple to figure out what each of their personality types are so that they can communicate best with each other based on those results.

Notable Quotes From The Book (12:00)

“The secret to a successful relationship is to work with your spouse.” –unknown

The Credibility/Inspiration Of The Author (0:38)

Scott and I have been working together for just shy of two decades. In the process of working together we’ve build, sold and developed roughly about a quarter of a billion dollars of real estate in the Tampa Bay area. We have found that balance of how to be successful but also enjoy a pleasant lifestyle.

Our inspiration is to inspire other entrepreneurial couples to share their business passion while living their life together. We really feel that having that personal fulfillment is important and since we figured out how to do that we wanted to put that in a book and share it with others.

Other Recommended Books (13:08)

7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey
The Road Less Traveled by M. Scott Peck

More Information About This Book and The Author

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Wade is a 4-time serial entrepreneur and is the Founder/Host of The Entrepreneurs Library. With a long time passion for reading books, Wade created an online resource and podcast for entrepreneurs who love to read personal and business development books. His long-term goal in life is to start an entrepreneurial home schooling program for children of business-minded families.